Meet Rita (short for Chaparrita) - 2000 Ford E450 Skoolie

I (Jenn) adopted Rita  from her creator, Craig, in June of 2024, in Sausalito, CA. She's been converted for full time off-grid living.  Craig put a lot of love, thought, effort and countless hours into building her.   She's 22 feet long, so she's considered a shorty - like me (5'1").

This blog will document our time together...for however long it is and wherever we roam.  The good, the awesome, the bad, the ugly and the hysterical.

Rita and I were built for adventures, risk-taking, saying YES to the unknown and spreading smiles wherever we go.

That's just how we roll.

from Urban Dictionary


Latino slang for short. Used for short females. A pet name for a short woman or short girl, "shorty." Usually used as a pet name within a Mexican family as a sign of affection for a little girl.


A school bus that has been purchased by a private owner and converted for some purpose other than hauling people around, such as RVing. Can be a very economical, cost-efficient means of obtaining an RV.

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